We truly are living a fairytale....our fairytale. It's perfect. With dogs, horses, laughter, the gospel, family, and love. I hope to never forget these times.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Khloee + 5!!!
Exactly one week before Christmas on the 18th, my little Khloee had 5 puppies! It was quite the experience! That night she was up and down from the bed (whining of course for help because she couldn't get up anymore) and panting like crazy!! Tj and I just laughed...she sounded like a great dane panting! That little dog was making sooo much noise! He told her "Khloee you know I love you, and sorry you're pregnant, but if you are gonna be this loud you need to sleep on the couch!" lol That morning I woke up around 6:30 and she was growling at Tank (which she never does) I finally got up and turned on the light, sure enough her water had broke on the bed! I called my mom and around 8:30 she came over and the first puppy was born. Jessica came over and helped with the second two puppies. After Jess had went home and I'd let Khlo rest for a while, I went to check on her and sure enough there was another one coming! I panicked, but Khloee did so good and the puppy came out totally perfect :) minutes later the 5th came! My goodness it was so crazy! Four boys and one girl. They are just the sweetest little things and now coming up on 2 weeks old!
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The day they were born. Poor mommy looks exhausted, understandably!! |
They are sooooo sweet!! I wish I could keep them all! Tj told me if I keep them all he gets to get 5 hound dogs lol....so I'm thinking I will just enjoy them the next few weeks and find loving homes for them!
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Here is little girl on Christmas eve. So sweet!!! :) |
Tj felt baby Raelinn
On November 25th at almost 22 weeks along Tj finally felt the baby move! He said "wow she is strong!" She sure is! That little girl bounces around in my tummy all the time. Although I could go on and on and on and on about why I hate pregnancy, it really is the neatest thing. My body is making a human!! A sweet little girl! What a miracle it is, and believe me, I feel so so so blessed that my body is capable of making her (and hopefully more babies!) I am now 26 1/2 weeks and getting bigger by the day! Here are a few pictures I've taken along the way...
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13 weeks |
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18 weeks |
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17 weeks |
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19 weeks |
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23 weeks |
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25 weeks |
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side view of 25 weeks. It looks sooo much bigger from the side! Holy smokes. |
Babies Babies Babies
On November 28th I sent Khloee to the doggie groomer, as she was rather poofy! I got a call asking if there was a chance she could be pregnant....yep sure enough her and Tank had gotten down and dirty 2 months before and I had thought nothing of it! (we thought he was too young to produce babies!) I went and picked her up and sure enough she'd either eaten a lot a few days before at Thanksgiving, or her eggo was preggo!
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My little princess just a few days before having her puppies! |
Disney Land!
Just a couple days after I was released from the hospital from my kidney infection, we all packed up for a family vacation to California! Jessica, Jason, their 3 kids, Tawni, Nick, their 2 kids, Mom, Dad, the 3 boys, Tj and I! We spent a day at the beach, spent 3 days at Disney Land and California Adventure, and went and watched movies one day. It was so busy, but a blast!
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Jason and Tj played in the waves alllllll day! Jessica, Nick and Tawni joined in too! |
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I was chosen out of the audience to play the fiddle with the "Billy Hill and the Holiday Hillbillies" haha what an experience.... |
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20 weeks pregnant with Raelinn that day! |
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haha everybody had a blast at the beach! |
My oh my, time flies!
Today is Dec. 29th 2012, I am almost 22 1/2 years old, I am married, 26 weeks pregnant with a baby girl, and defenitely never thought I would be at this point in my life. It is Christmas break for my little brothers, dad and Tj have two weeks off, and I took most of the time off as well. Christmas eve we packed a bag (and the dogs) and stayed over at my parents house in my old bedroom. It's so nice to feel like a kid again, wake up to a roaring fire that dad built, bake goodies with mom, and let Tj play xbox carelessly in his pj's with my little brothers. We have stayed a total of 4 nights over here in this past week and I keep telling myself I should go home and get our laundry folded, or shampoo the carpets, or organize all of our papers/bills etc. But then I think....time is literally flying by. I will never get this exact moment back. I will never live this day again, in my pajama's, carelessly soaking in the moment. Soon we will have a baby girl that will make it a little harder to just sit. Soon we will have been married for 10 years with so many more things we "should" be doing that will make it harder to be so careless, so right now, and the rest of the time we all have off together, I'm going to relax and enjoy it!
Monday, November 5, 2012
Sicker than a dog!
This past week I had been feeling so crummy! At first I figured I was coming down with a cold/flu as I had body aches and was exhausted. As the week went on I still wasn't feeling better. Thursday came and I woke up with what felt like a bad back ache that reached into my stomach as well. I figured it was from my tummy muscles stretching for the growing baby along with sleeping funny. As the day continued it worsened to the point where I had to take Tylenol to get the pain under control. Tj and I went out to eat that night with Jessica and James and the pain worsened. We got home that evening and I laid in a warm bubble bath to try and relax my muscles. As soon as I got to bed I started fevering and shaking uncontrollably (as Tj snored lol) I woke him up and he went to the gas station and grabbed more Tylenol and finally after a good two hours, I fell asleep. I woke Friday morning feeling a little better but the pain was still there! Around 12 Tj left for a dentist appt and I started vommiting. I called my mom and she told me I better go to the ER. We went in and after labs and an ultrasound, we found out that I had a horrible kidney infection which is very dangerous for baby (if left alone) I was admitted into the hospital and had to stay two nights. After lots of pricks and bags of fluids and antibiotics they let me go Sunday morning. What an experience, which I hope I never have to go through again! After my 8 days of antibiotics, I have to be on a medication to help prevent infection until I have Raelinn. This pregnancy has been nothing of what I expected....but as long as she gets here healthy, I'll do what it takes!
We are having a girl!!!
On Oct. 19th (16 1/2 weeks) we had our second Dr. appt. Tj was out of town for work so my mom and dad went with me! (well of course dad didn't want to go into the room, even when I told him I didn't have to get naked!) We met with Dr. Martin and he gave me a big long talk about how pregnancy is not easy, and delivering a baby is definitely not even close to easy. I told him I wish he would have waited to tell me that when Tj was here so he could hear loud and clear IT'S NOT EASY. haha Dr. said he'd repeat the talk next appt. when he is there ;) The Dr. appt went great, he listened to baby's heartbeat and it was strong and healthy! After my Ob appt. we headed to Sneak Peek Ultrasound for a 3D ultrasound of baby! We got some amazing pictures and they even made a dvd of the ultrasound for us to keep (which was so neat because then Tj could watch it when he got home!)
We got lots of different "crotch shots" and determined baby is a girl! Raelinn Ann Ladner She was so sweet in the ultrasound and I am so glad I have a copy to watch anytime I want :)
Isn't she so sweet?? We love her so much already! And that little foot!!! So adorable, so of course mommy had to buy her a pair of shoes...and an outfit to match.
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