We flew down to Mississippi and spent Thanksgiving with Tj's family. Let me start by saying I married into THE best family. They are so loving and welcoming. We brought my little brother Bretton with us and they treated him like he was part of the family! Raelinn grew up sooooo much in those 9 days we spent there, which breaks my heart, but I am so glad we were there for Tj's family to witness all of her many firsts!
Raelinn ate her first graham cracker on the way to Vegas!! I really just started feeding her food a few days before we left so she had a lot of firsts with food, and loved all of it!!
Vegas airport! We ALWAYS get lost there....both times we have flown to Mississippi we have parked on the opposite side we are flying out of, so we have to catch a bus that will take us to our right terminal. It's so frustrating! But, we made it and caught out flight.
Rae's first time on a plane, and she did AMAZING!
Bretton has flown before, but he was little and doesn't really remember so he enjoyed the flights!
We had a layover in Denver, CO. Neither Tj or Bretton (and obviously Raelinn) had been to Colorado before! There's a first for everything!
It was such a relief finally being in Mississippi. Raelinn was in Heaven, she just loved PawPaw and MawMaw. I'm so glad she is not super clingy to Tj and I just for his family's sake. She did not need a second to warm up to any of them. I was so grateful considering this was the first time she's ever met the majority of them.
Tj's dad made Bretton show everybody his armpit farting talent!
Raelinn and Aunt Merl
This man......honestly I have the most handsome husband!!
This boy....haha
I love this picture of my Father-in-law. It captures his personality. He is always laughing and telling jokes. :) A trait he passed on to my husband!
I seriously love southern food. You can find the silliest things to eat down South!
Chicken on a stick. Looooooove these
Raelinn loves her Uncle Ronnie
Big Bertha!! (Ronnie's African Bull Frog)
We went out to a hibachi grill with Ronnie and Tab, and met up Jason and Brittany and the girls!
I have found a new love for sushi...yum! I made Bretton eat it too haha he ate it....but he wasn't too fond of it!
Raelinn meeting her cousins Jadyn and Jacie and Aunt Brittany for the first time.
Raelinn meeting Kenny Ray
We left the baby with MawMaw and PawPaw and went to New Orleans!!
Bretton on Bourbon street
I love all of the old buildings in New Orleans
Bretton loved taking Tommy's shotgun out to the woods! He saw a few cool animals and got a couple birds!! Unfortunately it was cold and rainy the whole time we were there so the hunting wasn't too good. :(
Rae's first time really holding her bottle!! (On the trip my milk starting drying up...so I started supplementing her with organic cows milk. Thank goodness she took to it well!)
Jason took Tj and Bretton out on his oyster boat one day! They had to leave really early in the morning, and it was a cold/rainy day! Poor Bretton passed out in the living room when they got home! We fried up the oysters that afternoon! Fresh oysters....yum!!

Tj broke them all open out in the yard. One was even starting a pearl!
They say pictures are worth a thousand words.......
Maw Maw's girls
Every morning, Paw Paw would come and grab Raelinn when she would wake up. They would go out and sit in his chair. It was such a sweet sight. She sure loves him!
Rae sure loved Uncle Bubba!!
Her first time meeting Nanny Shirley. She lives up the road from Tommy and Trisha. She made a pretty blanket for Rae!
Thanksgiving Day was wonderful!! A lot of family came over and we had soooo much yummy food to eat!
The last couple days there were so nice visiting family. Tj and I went out and watched his friend sing at a bar the last night. It was so nice leaving the baby with my in-laws and spending time together.
Bretton spent the last two nights with Ronnie and Tab! Him and Ronnie went out and did a ton of hunting (of course he loved that!!). We went and looked at their new house and were absolutely in love. The south is so pretty...I could seriously live there!
The day we flew home, Rae turned 8 months old!!!
Coming home was so exhausting. Raelinn was fussy on the flight...Tj was grumpy...I was grumpy.
This was us...lost in the Houston airport.
I love visiting down south! But, I am always grateful to see the lights of Las Vegas. As Dorothy would say, "There's no place like home!" :)