Monday, August 18, 2014

When I grow up, I wanna be just like my Daddy!

Just a few days before their Birthday, we went to the corral to clean up and feed the animals. I had to run to the salon to do a quick haircut and when I came back my little baby was on a horse with Tj! Oh my gosh I was so scared and mad! As I sat there and watched them, I could see Rae was safe with her daddy. Tj is such a natural on the horses, total opposite from me! I stiffen up and freak out. Rae will grow up just like her daddy....and I'm ok with that. :) 

Some randoms, and Tj's 26th birthday!!

Watching Ice Age together....
And then she conked out...
Since his little girl was born on his birthday, I feel like Tj doesn't get the attention he deserves. So we left baby Rae with Jessica and Jason and I surprised Tj with Tim McGraw and Faith Hill tickets. :) Our first night away from Raelinn! 
After we ate sushi, we headed to the concert at the Venetian. 
I love him like crazy. He is truly my better half. I pretty much go crazy sometimes, and he totally puts up with me. I'm so glad. I'm so grateful. I'm so blessed he is mine, for eternity!! :) :) :)

Super Bowl 2014!!!

Ok you know in our family we are huge
Seattle fans, so of course the Super Bowl was a big deal. Tawni and Nick drove up to watch it with us!! Raelinn looked adorable, and of course the house was decked out in blue and green! :) 


Catching up!!

Let me fill in any holes missing before Raelinn's first birthday!!

Finishing Raelinn's nursery

 Rae's first time sleeping in her own bedroom!

 I caught her top teeth coming in. Ouch! But what a happy baby!!

 Tj hopped in her crib and kept her company for a while. Haha! He is the best dad ever.

 This picture makes me laugh so so so so hard!!!! She was not nursing at this time....totally drinking out of a bottle, I just took the picture at the most perfect time as she was sitting up.

 She loves bath time!

Going through Facebook I found a couple gems from Tj's phone :) little tiny Raelinn.

She was so tired, she couldn't even close her mouth. Haha love it....and those tiny baby teeth!