Wednesday September 14th, 2016 Raelinn started pre school! We have a program here called the COW bus (classroom on wheels) and she was accepted into it. She has been asking to go to school, since we moved in to our new home next door to the elementary/middle school. I was pretty upset about her going!! How could that little baby I had such a short time ago be ready for PRESCHOOL!! I don't know how it's possible. The first day was pretty great. I woke up and cooked eggs and bacon and we visited and played in the kitchen. She had a blast at school and I went and visited with my sister and mom during the 1 1/2 Rae was at school (to keep my mind busy so I wasn't at home lonely and sad!) haha! We are going into our second week of school (she attends Wednesday and Thursday) and so far so good! I can't wait to watch her little mind grow this year! Oh the places you'll go my little Raelinn Ann!

Before we left the house the first morning! She did not want to take a picture, she just wanted to go to school!!