Ok so I got locked out of my blog...but the good 'ol insomnia you get before you have a baby gave me time to figure out how to get back in. I should stop doing hair and take up a job with the FBI! Haha! So there ya have it, we are at the end of the pregnancy with baby Ladner #2! What an awful pregnancy this has been, but I know it will be worth it in two days when SHE makes her appearance. That's right, another girl!
This picture was taken along highway 101 heading up to Seattle. Notice Raelinn's little crab she caught right below the letter "B" She insisted it be in the picture.

Rae and I took a cruise to Alaska with my parents, little brothers and Grandma! On the way up we stopped in Reno and had a 3D ultrasound done just for a quick gender check. Tj couldn't go with us, so we had him on FaceTime as well as Jess and Jason. Tj was pretty dang sure it was a boy, and I wasn't really sure...I just knew I was sick. Raelinn was dead set on having a sister, so I think her mind was made up regardless of what the ultrasound said! The ultrasound tech said "ok here we go....it's a girl!" Tj says "are they sure?!" And Raelinn said "baby Laycie!" The tech commented on how we already had a name picked out and I was laughing so hard, because that was definitely not even in the list! I had no idea where Raelinn got that from. As the months went by, Tj and I would bring up different names and ask Rae about them. She would always say something like "yeah that's a nice name, but I'm just gonna call her Laycie, ok?" So one day Tj and I sat down and talked and decided Laycie Ladner actually is a pretty dang cute name so we sat Rae down and told her that we decided we will name the baby Laycie. With more sass than you can even dream of she says "I've been telling you it's a really good name this WHOLE TIME!" So there we have it, Laycie Meleese Ladner will be here in just two short days. We are excited. (I'm freaking out and frankly more nervous than I was with Raelinn) But I know Heavenly Father blessed us with this baby because we are the perfect family for her, and she will be the perfect addition for us.