I'm going to squeeze January and February into a pictures and a few words. That is how busy my life has been lately. Which I totally hate. Crazy days fly by....Rae is 10+ months old right now. Do you know how badly I wish I could slow time down?! Make my days a little less hectic so that I can soak every baby-ounce of her up?!! I look back and think "How did this happen?!!! How is my baby almost a year old?!!" I'm starting to plan her birthday, and it's KILLING me. Honestly though, as I've finally had to come to terms with myself getting older, having Rae turn one is really such a wonderful blessing. We are not promised tomorrow. We are not promised anything in life, but we have moments that will be cherished forever. Seeing her grow these 10 1/2 months, and capturing these special memories in pictures is such a gift! Now, I'm done rambling, enjoy looking into the past few months of our lives.

Football season!! Ayla and Rae are the cutest baby 12's ever
She was stuck like this for a few minutes. I laughed and laughed!! After a few minutes she realized she could sit down. Haha
Ready for the NFC championship game....
But church first!
Rae wasn't feeling good, so mommy drove her to Bishop just to be sure!! Healthy baby, 16lbs 11oz

She wears daddies boots so well!

Reading some Dr. Seuss

Super Bowl Sunday!!!
Tj finally decided to put our wood stove in.....that we bought over the summer, and it is now February! Can you say procrastinator?? The Christmas lights prove that word to be a perfect description.
Rae comes to dance class with me every week! Jessica Maley gave her a sucker!
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