Our house we lived in had a heater that blew down the hallway. That sucker could heat the house up. Rae and I liked to turn it in the 80's when we'd wake up so we could be warm and toasty while we ate breakfast and got ready. It would get warm to the touch but Rae never really went over there and had never touched it. Remember Trigger, her pony she got on her birthday?? I wasn't kidding when I said she used him as transportation. She could climb on him, but had a harder time getting off. She could ride him anywhere though! One morning while I was cooking breakfast I couldn't find her. All the doors in the hallway were closed though so I knew she couldn't have gone into any of them. I waited another minute and then finally went to see what the heck she was up to. Poor baby had ridden her little pony right up to the hot heater and couldn't get off or turned around. So there she sat, on Trigger, with this super hot air blowing on her not being able to cry or anything. I. Felt. Awful. I got a wet paper towel to dab on her face. She was so hot. Her face was beat red and I was worried it would peel like a burn. I freaked and rubbed Vaseline on it and filled her bottle with ice cold water and apple juice. After a few minutes she cooled down and the redness in her face totally cleared up. Turned out to be super minor....I didn't really need to panic like I did, but oh my heck it scared me.

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