Dad, Bretton, me and the baby drove down to Arizona to watch the Sea vs Cardinals Thursday night, prime time game. I seriously LOVE football. It was soooo much fun!! Such an exhausting trip driving down Thursday and coming home Friday, but it was totally worth it! Rae did awesome! She fussed a few times when the stadium would get really loud, but I'd clap and tell her "yay!!" and she would realize it was fun, not scary :) She fell asleep nearly the whole third quarter. We were surrounded by a bunch of Seahawks fans and of course would all high five during a good drive or touchdown, but when Raelinn was sleeping everyone would "air high five" me and make sure not to scream right at us.

We stayed at Tony and Emily's house, stopped at Tyrel and Katies, then when we got to Vegas stopped at Tawni and Nick's house and met baby Ayla, and Trent and JaKell came over to visit also!! I love our big family.

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