We love football season in our house!

Those fingers....
Raelinn likes when we pull the hood down on her car seat, and she can see us!

She is so sweet...
Her first time eating peaches! She wasn't too sure about it...
One morning mom and dad invited me and Rae to go to breakfast with them. There were these two truckers eating in the booth across from us and we all struck up a conversation and visited throughout eating. They folded dollar bills into bows and gave them to Raelinn !! They said she was the cutest baby they'd ever seen. :) Of course I think so too. I kept the dollars and have them tucked away with all of her keepsake things. I love people who do sweet things like that. So simple, but I'll never forget it.
Sometimes my sweet husband will clean the house. (to his standards) haha I looked over by the entry way and saw all 3 pairs of boots lined up like this. I love him. He will never know how much he means to me. After finding him, I truly believe in soulmates. :)
AshLynne loves Rae. It is so sweet. She always wants to hold her and play with her. The other day she wanted to change her diaper so she could practice for when she is a mom one day. These two girls are so sweet! I just love them!!
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