Saturday, April 21, 2012

The beginning!

Tj and I are so excited to start this new chapter in our life!! But lets start back from the beginning...
Feb. 17, 2012
AKA the first night we met!

I love this picture! We had known each other for maybe an hour and I swear we were already in love! I teased him about looking like a thug in his bandana! :) Little did I know I would fall completely head over heels for him and shortly after get engaged! I was at a point in my life where I was done with relationships and Tj said " I was planning on moving to Nev"ah"da (I have to constantly correct him it's nevADa!) buying a street bike, tattooing my arms, and driving up and down the west coast....then I met you!"  That first night was something like "love at first sight" and the rest is history...... (: 


  1. Congrats cuz! Keep this updated and post on FB so I can easily Follow you please :) oh and address for me is:

    245 Cosmos Drive
    Orlando, FL 32807

    I keep things of family close to me whenever I move. I could use an invitation for something updated for you!

  2. Thanks for your address cuz. I've got you on my list to send an invitation to! Love you and miss ya!!
