Wednesday, May 22, 2013

7 weeks old....

It's been 7 weeks since I gave birth to the most amazing little person. To be honest, when I was pregnant I was so scared to be a mom...and some days wished that I didn't have go be. (Not saying I wanted a miscarriage. That was NOT the case) It was such an overwhelming much responsibility and so little sleep. What I didn't think about was the relationship between Raeilinn and I, or her and Tj for that matter. I guess it's something you can't recognize until you are a mom, and see it through your mommy eyes. The world seems to spin a different way now. And right when I think I am sooooo tired and cannot go another night without sleep, she'll sleep for hoursssss in between feedings. When I feel like a total wreck of a mom, with a messy house and undressed baby, Tj reminds me if what a great mom I am. She smiles lots now. And is even perfecting her baby talk. I must say its the most beautiful noise ever. I often lay in bed and play with her rather than clean my house like I should. But really...I SHOULD be enjoying every second with her...she changes every second, and I'm glad I realize that.

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