Wednesday, July 17, 2013

I'm crazily behind on blogging... many exciting things have went on the past few weeks and it seems like I'm just now catching up with life! It's 10:54 pm and I just don't have the energy to write about getting sealed as a family (it was A-MAZ-ING) or 4th of July/Tj's family visiting. (It was so fun!!) I will get to those hopefully tomorrow when I can concentrate on the super important details!! As for now....I leave you with a view from behind my iPhone. I am a crazy picture taker. Mainly with my phone as I almost always have it within reach, BUT, I now have this amazing camera Tj surprised me with (I'll go into detail on the temple sealing post) so I'm hoping to get in the habit of snapping pictures with that more often so my pictures are better quality. Anyways-now I will ramble on about my perfect baby and how big she is getting!!!! :'(   :) it really is so bittersweet. She loves watching herself in mirrors and will have little conversations with herself. 

Her eyes are such an amazing blue color.
Pause the cuteness for a second- We got in from the ranch visiting grandpa late one evening and Bretton and Tj were following us....but hadn't shown up yet. Mom and I (the ones who always panic) figured if they weren't home within 15 minutes we would drive back out to see if they were ok. Within minutes they pulled up absolutely beaming with a giant bull snake. Boys will be boys I suppose. Seriously though the bond these two have is heart warming. They get on each others nerves every once in a while, just like brothers, but they really are good friends even considering the age difference. (Honestly I think Tj is just a big kid and Bretton is outrageously mature for his age so they go well together :) 

This little girl was sent straight from heaven. I know it in my heart. Her sweet spirit has undoubtably spent time with The Lord prior to coming here and moments like these testify that to me. She sleeps so soundly and often smiles and laughs in her sleep. I think she is having memories of her pre mortal existence and remembering how wonderful it was. Tonight I was reading to Tj a part out of a book called Guide me to Eternity. (A book written by an LDS woman who lost her husband) In the book she describes having a special privledge of visiting her husband in the spirit world and described it to be beautiful beyond words and so peaceful. While I was reading this part, Raelinn started laughing out loud! Smiling ear to ear and continued this wonderful laugh...over and over! I looked at her and said "you remember that sweet place don't you" I really believe babies have fond memories and often dream of it. I'm glad I caught a little glimpse of heaven on my beautiful babies face :) 
At three months old she is becoming less interested in her binky and more interested in her fingers. 
This was the first time we did FaceTime with Trisha and Tommy!! It was the first time they saw Raelinn (other than pictures). It was so neat to be able to interact with them even though they are half way across the country. 
Those fingers........

Raelinn sure loves Tj!! 
I'm not very fond of the saints hat....but she sure does look so sweet. 

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