Monday, June 3, 2013

1 year

When we were first dating, we got chinese food in Bishop, my fortune cookie said that God will give me everything I want. Shortly after I got a loving husband and a baby. That fortune nailed it! On our 1 year anniversary, we ate chinese food. Tj's fortune read: Use your abilities at this timd to stay focused on a goal. You will suceed. I asked him what his goal was, he said temple marriage.
We drove up to Reno Saturday, did some shopping and ate at Texas Roadhouse for our anniversary dinner. Sunday was Stake conference in Fallon, and our official 1 year anniversary!!! We got ready at our hotel room in Reno and drove to Fallon. Stake conference was wonderful!!! One of the 12 Apostles, Elder Dallin H. Oaks was there. He spoke about the high points and low points of our stake. One of the low points was young married couples not being sealed in the temple. Ding Ding Ding. That's us. I know it's selfish of me to say, but it's almost like his talk was meant just for us! It's not that we have put our temple marriage on the back burner, we had to wait until Tj had been baptized for a year, so we technically were not able to go. His talk was so inspiring and just what we needed to hear. Afterwards he let everybody who attended shake his hand. We were only in his direct presence for maybe 10 seconds and it was amazing. He had such a strong spirit about him. So humble and wise. In that moment, I knew the church was so undoubtably true. This man was not an ordinary person, but a disciple of God! He looked right down at Raelinn, then into our eyes and said "You're doing the work of The Lord.....God bless you" It just about brought tears to my eyes. People thought we were crazy waiting only two months after getting married to have a baby....but it just felt right. After all, we are commanded to multiply and replenish the Earth. Our first year together was nothing short of amazing. We bought our first house, had a baby, bought a car, went on trips, camped out, had a litter of puppies, spent time together laughing non-stop, and when I say non-stop I mean it. Heavenly Father has blessed us with a life nothing short of a fairytale. We are so crazy butt in love and never (and in that I mean not one time) fight! We are a team. Best friends. Soon, we will be a forever family! I'm so excited for the upcoming years, but this year, our first, will be so special to me forever.

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