Monday, January 7, 2013

On the sabbath day....

At about 8:30 TJ started telling me to get ready for church....but I didn't want to! I wanted to sit by him on the couch. :) then I got hungry so I started baking a this time it was nine thirty. I went to the bathroom, turned some church music on and started getting ready (while eating pizza) time got away from me and it was 10:00 ooops time to get dressed! It was snowing and I couldn't find my thick leggings I wanted to wear with my dress....TJ was so irritated and said numerous times "I hate being late to church! We might as well not even go!..." (something to that affect) at about 10:15 I was finally ready and we loaded in the car and headed to church. We had missed the sacrament, but hey, at least we were there! The spirit was strong as it was Testimony meeting. I felt the spirit pretty strong and felt I should get up....but of course kept talking myself out of it. Then here comes Jess and her kids (later than we were!) she had a scowl on her face as did each kid....except for Kasen who somehow got out of the house wearing his new stompies!! Lol he looked so cute in his Sunday outfit, then had these big blue and white puppy slippers on. Bahaha I of course had to take a picture :) finally I told AshLynne I'd take her up to bare her testimony, and I bore mine after her. Of course babbled on and cried the whole time, but at least I did it. Jess got up after me and we tried to talk TJ into it, but he wouldn't (more on that later!) In relief society there were a total of 7 people attending. I happened to be the only one below the age of thirty five....haha I really do enjoy being surrounded by women who have lived more life than I have. They have so much wisdom and knowledge and rather than sulking and wishing I was in a bigger ward, I try and soak every ounce of it in!! After church my sweetie and I came home to change and pick up the dogs to take to mom and dads house. TJ complains because he always has to carry the big box we keep the puppies in, but I know deep down inside he really doesn't mind :) we watched football with my daddy (GO SEAHAWKS!) and played with the puppies. They are walking now and starting to get little personalities. I want to keep them all!!! :) :) but I know that's not a very good idea.... It was such a wonderful husband told me I looked beautiful 4 times throughout the day :) then reminded me one more time as we were falling asleep. He of course is the most handsome boy I've ever met and I couldn't stop telling him....or taking pictures of him. Haha he's such a good sport about it! That night laying in bed he told me "I would like to get up and bare my testimony, but everybody who gets up there cries.....and I don't want to cry in front of everybody!" lol!!!! I LOVE HIM!!! He truly is a perfect match for me and I cannot wait until we are sealed in the temple for all time and eternity :) (sometime in May or June!) hopefully

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